Monday, December 31, 2018

Twisted Rail 4

It rained last night.  The most wonderful sound to wake up at 01:45 and hear the water falling from the skies…. Heavenly!

When I was done with clue 6 of Good Fortune I brought this top to my sewing table to re-measure as in between everything else, I managed to finish it.  This year however I was clever and got my backing and batting before all the shops closed for the festive season.   I could therefore measure the batting and backing too and have it ready to load onto the frame.  I think I spent the time to myself rather productively.

Simply saying “load it to the frame” is unfortunately not all that easy.  Again, more cleaning…. The machine, the track, the rails, the wheels ensuring getting rid of any dust, lint, fluff or anything else, oiling, new needle and testing tension.  Man…. Just imagine how much I can get done if I wasn’t interrupted by all this cleaning!

I asked hubby to find me a bottle or empty coffee can in which I can store my dusters of my sewing room.  Up to now, they’ve just been lying around with no space of their own but trust him to always do something different and this is what I got….. my own bouquet for my sewing room!

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