We had no water (at all) in our city for days and often
times my being so terribly organised gets to me. I often feel if I organise less I will have
more time to simply socialise and take a day as it comes BUT when crap like a
water shortage hits your city, you so appreciate not only being organised
yourself but also being married to another organisational freak.
I felt terribly sorry to listen to everyone’s complaints
about not being able to shower, cook, do laundry and get the little ones sorted
while I was able to pitch up at the office perfectly pampered, cleaned and
dressed to the T.
I had a stack of bottled water hidden in every nook and
cranny of this house (just for in case, seeing that we do have a water filtration system) and dearest hubby made sure our outside water tanks are kept at a level
to get us through a couple of days. So
we survived this ordeal just fine.
As for my quilt I am halfway, hallelujah! I love this process of adding a block at a
time and seeing the progress.
At this stage I spotted even more mistakes. I think sharing my quilt table with 2 cats, a
parrot and a dove caused this. Once done
I’ll compare every block with the pattern and make the necessary corrections.