This was another one of those things
I did and when completed, you realise you’ve done yourself a huge favour for you’ve
learnt so much.
I am still no pro in free motion on
the longarm but with every quilt I do I gain confidence and some things just
gets a little easier.
I remember my first pebbling on the
longarm and how bad it looked but now, after doing this a couple of times;
these do not look that bad anymore.
Another motif that I just couldn’t
get right, was the ribbon candy and on this quilt I could actually see how much
I’ve improved with this design.
So yes, I might just do more free
motion quilt-alongs and I find using different tutors equally exciting. One may not get an idea from one quilter but
then another teacher shows it in a slightly different way and suddenly it just
clicks and off you go.
I still have to find a teacher that
would make a echoed star sink into my brain for there is simply no way I could
get this right by just making dots with my pen.
Heck I got things that looked like tentacles from some stiff dead
creature, so I omitted many an echoed star on this dear quilt.
This quilt will also be put up in my
longarm room as a sample and a way for me to keep seeing where I came from and how
I progress.