Saturday, August 08, 2020

Another postage stamp quilt

I had somewhat of a different afternoon on Thursday in that I didn’t just come home, prep salad and put the parrot to bed before I started to quilt.  I went shopping.  We are looking for a new bed for one of the guest bedrooms, I don’t feel it is tediously uncomfortable, but then I don’t sleep there often but my daughter complained the mattress was really bad.  So after many years, I had the shock of my life to see what a brand new bed (without headset) cost nowadays.  Not purchased yet but at least I know what to expect.

Then I went shopping for a wedding gift for friends.  With all the commotion around COVID, they had to put off their wedding plans with invited guests and make it a tiny event.  Bottom-line, they still get married, and that needs celebrating and good memories.

While in the streets I bought raw peanuts to roast at home.  I eat heaps of peanuts (any nut for that matter).  Drizzled my raw nuts with a little olive oil and roasted them, leaving some to slightly burn…. My favourite when I add salt to it.  So now I have a huge dish to take to bed as my bedtime snack.

I cut, joined and stitched the binding to the front of the previous quilt.  Hand stitching the back will be done when I sit by hubby of have some TV time.

As for my computer at the office, it WORKS!  Apparently, the network cable was faulty, so at least not a user error.

This quilt was brought to me on Tuesday but then I still had the previous quilt on the frame and the quilter, a very brave soul, only wants me to stitch around the large blocks as she wants to do the rest by hand.  I admire the persistence of these quilters, little old me is way too impatient.

I squared the backing, oiled and cleaned my machine but then watched TV with hubby and started on the binding of the previous quilt.  Loaded the layers Friday after work just to realise I’ve got the front stuck between the back and batting…. What a struggle!  I thought to only remove the top pole,but with my lack of space, I simply couldn’t move the pole out, so unrolled the batting from its pole to redo the whole process.  Still struggling with this, my daughter sent a message to say their geyser burst and everything in the baby’s room was soaked.  I at least can do cleaning clothes, seeing that after almost 3 years, I still screw up the loading of a quilt, so I went to her to see where and how I can help.

Back home hubby helped to replace the top pole and hopefully now I can start having fun behind the frame again.

I said ‘fun’ forgetting how extremely slow stitching in the ditch is.  Just when I think I’ve hit the sweet spot, the needle would get to seams intersecting or a seam pressed in a different direction and hop out of the ditch.  With previous quilts I’ve made up my mind not to unpick every time I went out of the ditch as then I will never finish any quilt.

Finally done on Saturday evening and my back is screaming at me.  Not much quilting to show on this one but the quilter deserves a shout out for all the time, trouble and love that went into piecing this.

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