Thursday, July 23, 2020

Table runner

I almost forgot about this booking.  The quilter was to bring it to me last week Tuesday but forgot the quilt on the farm and when she phoned this week, I had to admit that it slipped my mind totally.  This is a small runner and I do love quilting these smaller projects/quilts.  Just before you can get bored with repeating motifs, all is done.

There was a huge contrast between the backing and top colours and I didn’t want to use a light thread on the darker bits on the top.  This would distract from the piecing and put the focus on the thread and quilting.  Now to prevent any possible light pokies showing up from the bobbin thread on the dark top, I decided to change thread colour to match the top.  This means changing the bobbin thread colour too.  I haven’t done it before and it will be interesting to see how the backing turns out.  The rule of thumb, however, is to choose a thread colour to match the backing, so backings should somehow match the front.

Sad news on my side is that my little sparrow decided to escape from the big birdcage yesterday and flew away.  It was a lot of work but any new work becomes routine after all and a part of your life.  I still go into the room where she slept and try to be as quiet as possible and when I went to work this morning, it felt as if I forgot something with not having my morning routine with her.  They are however not meant to be in captivity and I have to accept that.

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