Sunday, July 12, 2020

Quilt for a 10-year-old boy

A terribly cold week was predicted for us from 10 July but I was up to it.  It was, after all, starting over the weekend, so no need to get dressed early morning for work and I’m just okay with being indoors in my PJ’s for however long it may take for the cold to pass.  I didn’t have any customer quilts, only expected some via courier on Tuesday, so all was good.  That was my mindset when I got a call from a brand new quilter on Friday saying she finished no less than 2 more quilts.  I only quilted her VERY FIRST quilt on 21 June…. Unbelievable!  Just the other day at the office the girls and I discussed how capable we were when younger to achieve the almost impossible, now, at this age, we seem to have adopted the motto of our South African government, do everything as slow as possible for as long as possible, you get paid, so why rush?

I just loved the focus fabric of this quilt and then to see how each quilter interpret what should go with it differently.  This quilt is for her son, so I immediately knew no girly curls or flower petals to be used…. Manly it must be.  She dropped the quilts off just after 5pm on Friday and I could hardly wait for the little sparrow (Mossie) to fall asleep so that I can safely use my sewing room without the fear of any tiny sparrow droppings falling onto the quilt.

Then my daughter asked if I’d babysit on Saturday morning and I don’t mind as their little girl is the most adorable, lively and friendly soul but it goes to show, life happens while you are making other plans.

I ironed and squared the backing, cleaned the wheels and track on my frame and made a quilt plan after sparrow went to sleep as we were warned of load shedding from 8 pm and I wanted most of what I could do done before then.  I anyway go to bed (and almost immediately fall asleep) at 8pm, so not a problem.

I got up early Saturday to at least get the quilt loaded (which can easily take up to an hour) before our next load shedding session at 6am.  We never had load shedding on Friday evening but that didn’t mean much as I was already in bed by then.  I did get my first motifs going on the quilt just to see where I am heading.

Got dressed (even though I didn’t plan to) and started the laundry; fetched the sparrow to eat and after I took her to the other birds, I got back behind the frame.

The kids arrived later than expected with a little one with a nasty stuffed nose but with a little TLC, plenty of fun and trusted old Vicks we got going and they visited until 3 pm.  The load shedding didn’t happen at 6 am but just after the kids left at all power went out.  Luckily we have a generator and life resumed as normal.  I did a little more quilting before it was ‘me-time’ with the little sparrow (my time to at least read blog posts and get updated on whatever everyone says on Facebook).

Up early again this morning as we have a family lunch at a nearby restaurant planned at 12 but I knew I could still get in a good amount of quilting before then.  Glad I did as by 08:30 I took the quilt off the frame for inspection and it is done.

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