Tuesday, November 30, 2010

No followers??!!

On Tuesdays I can pretend to be rich (with the emphasis on ‘pretend’). I have a cleaning crew (5 ladies) coming in once a week and tackle my house from one end to the other dusting, buffing, scrubbing, wiping and vacuuming every inch. They unfortunately do not cook, do laundry or ironing but one day….. when I’m really rich, watch me. My biggest job is to collect my pets and move out of their way and then I have an hour and a half of pure heaven. Sitting outside under a huge old tree breathing in the fresh air, laptop fixed on all the blogs I follow and a little handwork in my hands. Speaking of followers, I changed my background and layout on blogger and wha-la suddenly all my followers disappeared. Shame I feel so lonely now. Care to follow me again please?

Got these little heart blogs done after reading Shirley’s request for help on her blog.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see my face is still a follower :)

    5 people cleaning....oh yeah baby!!!

    I have one and I'm telling you I had 5 of her....I wouldn't even need to tie my shoes :)

