Sunday, October 25, 2020

Elephant baby quilt

My daughter asked me to make a baby quilt for her pregnant sister-in-law and the theme for the baby’s room is elephants.  I searched the internet and found a pattern as a PDF download on Etsy.  The pattern is called Esmeralda and Edison elephant baby.  I just had too little time to read through all the instructions and simply enlarged the picture to the size I wanted it and then cut my applique shapes from that.

I know I’ve said many a time how much I dislike satin stitching but after having decided on a blanket stitch to outline these shapes, I’ve realised that I dislike applique quilts.  Gosh, it takes forever and is so painstakingly slow.

Now I had 15 little hearts to outline but figured if I did one a day, it will be fine.  Baby won’t be born in 15 days, so all is good.  I’ve also watched the Russian tennis tournament for the first time this year.  I restrain from watching too many tournaments as then I simply never will find time to quilt but this year I excused myself in that I never got to watch Wimbledon due to Covid, so not that bad.

The little hearts did not take as long as I anticipated but it is not nearly as neat as I know it should be.

Then it was time to put this one on the back burner as a customer quilt arrived and needed my attention.
Between this customer quilt and the next, I went for my first visit at the dentist who started top left replacing all the old amalgam fillings with brand new white ones.  It took a full hour and 20 minutes and my jaw was so sore from having my mouth open all the time but other than that no other aches or pains.  I think it looks great even though no-one will ever see it.
Then I had some time to start joining the block to surround the centre panel.
Got the second customer quilt done and then it was back to the dentist for long appointment number 2.Only one tooth built up as there was very little of the original tooth left, so another appointment next week.

Finally got backing for this quilt and got it loaded.  We went to a restaurant for supper on Friday with all the kids and grandbabies and Saturday, with no customer quilts needing me, I had time to load this one and finish it.  I did the binding while pretending to be just as interested in hubby’s golf on TV as he was.

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