Sunday, June 05, 2022

Cashmere quilt

What a week this turned out to be.  People on the roof were here the whole week, so apart from the noise all the dust fell through into the house but if this guy thought he’d come in for a quick fix, my dear hubby had a surprise for him.  Hubby got onto the roof with them and when they still thought of getting away with simply waterproofing a rusted corrugated plate, he just insisted that he wanted it replaced.  Now we’ll have to wait for the next rain to see if we don’t have more leaks.

Before the roof was repaired, we became aware of cats going mad on our roof at night, some days it sounded like war.  When hubby checked he noticed 3 baby kittens on the roof and they supposedly got in through a hole between the outer roof and ceiling.  We, therefore, had to catch these little ones before the roof was closed up.  I didn’t think I’d like the smell of a rotting cat on my ceiling. 

We were lucky to catch the first little one the first time we set the trap.  It then had to stay in the guest bedroom, so the cage could be used to trap the next one.  The second one was caught later that evening but the third one was somewhat of a clever cat and we heard the trap go off several times, food was gone but no cat was inside.  Then on the last night, we had the trap available, we were so lucky to catch mom and the last little one in the same trap.  All 4 were taken to the SPCA.  The little ones look exactly like their mom.  Sadly, the school across the street houses many stray cats and someone should do something as this may become a massive problem.  The opening in the roof is now closed, so hopefully, another cat won’t be able to get inside and have more babies.

I had my first quilt from Kimberley loaded and it was about the only fun part of the week.  It was just one of those quilts where I had to tear myself away to do some household chores.  This quilter though had specific instructions on what to stitch, so I didn’t have to think about designs too much.

I then took the second quilt from its bag and put it on the bed just to notice a huge bubble in the centre block.  Informed the quilter who was prepared to unpick and redo but I first wanted to see if I couldn’t solve the problem another way. Saturated the bubble area in spray starch and left it to dry naturally, then gave it a press with a hot iron.  Let’s hope for the best.

While popping in at the ‘dance costume maker’ neighbour they had a client who needed badges sewn to a jacket but they don’t offer that service and I jokingly said I’ll do it for 5 litres of my favourite wine and the customer accepted.  Afterwards, I calculated the price of my wine divided by the 6 badges and it turned out, that I charged just under 30 South African rands per badge.  Not too bad a deal, I’d say.

Well onto the next quilt for me, while hubby has somewhat given up on the garden with pipes and electric wires running all over the place with no rhyme or reason and has decided to start painting the walls.  I just got to feel that this was almost home and now it is one big mess again.

The Cashmere quilt in all its glory.

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