Sunday, May 19, 2024

Renovations to my frame room

After finishing the Farm Life quilt on Mother’s Day, I deliberately did not book or accept any more quilts for hubby to do some renovations to my frame room.

I don't know whether I shared this photo in the past but this was the wall and cupboard doors in the room.  I know taste differs but I simply couldn’t find a reason why anyone would want lime green walls with these cloth-painted blackish cupboard doors, so this all had to go. Worst of all was that ALL the doors in this house were painted this way be it cupboard or room doors.  The others were painted or replaced just after we moved in.

For anything to happen we first had to empty the room as far as possible as I wanted the inside of the cupboards also painted.  Everything was simply stacked and packed in the sewing room or the one spare bedroom.

Hubby moved the frame out of his way and I covered my machine before he could take off the painted doors.

We’ve already done so many renovations in this house and as one friend joked, by the time we sell it; it would be as perfect as our previous house.

Even though I warned quilters I would only be able to start quilting again on the 20th of May, that did not deter them from sending, dropping off or asking me to pick up their quilts. Needless to say, by Saturday I became somewhat tense about the work pile building up.

Somehow, I pictured myself loading the first quilt the moment hubby was done but slightly needed to remember everything had to be packed back and cleaned.  With that done Saturday evening I was simply too tired to even change the needle on the machine.

I took some photos after the finish; it looks so much more tranquil.

Just compare these doors and paint to the first photo, a massive improvement.

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