Monday, April 26, 2021


This is the first of 3 quilts couriered to me which took almost a week to arrive here, I was rather nervous.

Although the quilter sent me photos beforehand, I prefer the quilt itself to arrive before planning anything.  I’ve found that a picture does not give the correct scale when trying to design something from a photo alone.  When the quilts arrived, I decided not to choose one but took the top one from the box first which turned out to be a pinwheel quilt.

We however had a barbeque by friends on Friday evening and I had terrible heartburn and didn’t get to eat that much and by all means, it was a moderate evening, no major drinking or any shooters but I woke up on Saturday with a depleting tummy bug which left me not good for anything on Saturday and this lasted until 5 am Sunday morning, only then I started feeling human again.  Then my sisters’ daughter came over to say ‘hi’ as they came through for a wedding.  Later the oldest kids came to fetch fishing gear for a trip they plan this coming weekend and late afternoon the little ones came over for a quick visit.

I got the quilt loaded somewhere between all of this and did a little every time I were up to it.

Started feeling better by late Sunday but by midnight the bug was back in full force, so my Monday started out somewhat wobbly.

Luckily this quilt got done.

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