Sunday, June 30, 2024

Wall hanging

I received a request from ladies of a local church to quilt a wall hanging, they made as a group for their church.  They only requested an edge-to-edge but I had to omit the appliqued flower as they wanted to hand quilt this.  Their wish is my command.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Between house renovating, cooking, cleaning, quilting and watching tennis, I found what I thought to be pretty fabric at our local Pfaff dealer.  It looked like messy child’s paintings; I knew I wanted to make something for our youngest granddaughter.  They have two black Pitbulls living indoors and I realized I couldn’t go too light in my colour selection.  I decided to keep the pretty fabric as big as possible and add other blocks between these.

I did not have time to figure out a complicated pattern or funds to go random shopping for the fabric needed.  I had to use something I already have so my jelly rolls came in ever so handy.

I finished this, binding and all but with both granddaughter and her dad having swine flu I could not yet give it to her, we are keeping our distance for a while.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Almost an hourglass quilt

Another quilt without a name and someone suggested Hourglass but when I googled Hourglass it was not the same block but somewhat similar.

This too will serve as a knee throw and edge-to-edge quilting was all that is needed.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Let’s call it an All-patch quilt

With a lack of a name for either this quilt\block or technique, I searched Google with the photo, and found a blog post with the same quilt and this blogger simply called it an All-patch quilt, so I decided to keep it that way.

This quilt will only serve as something to throw over the quilters’ knees and she requested an edge-to-edge pattern.

Friday, June 14, 2024

All rectangle Kaffet Fasset

What a laid-back, lazy two weeks I had while hubby fixed my sewing room.  Here the room was stripped to start afresh.

The first week, apart from watching Roland Garros, we struggled through South Africa’s national elections and sadly I can’t write what I think as I really don’t want to end up in jail especially now in winter.

We had our first snow in years and our chicken and dogs loved that the gas heater was on most all day with me sitting with them while watching tennis.

With my quilt-break over I received this very colourful rectangles quilt with plenty of Kaffet Fasset fabric used.  The quilter wanted straight lines across the quilt 1 inch apart and did I make work for myself with this one!

Roughly 10 inches from the bottom, I realised my ruler was on the wrong line, so my spacing was not equal.  One space was only ¾ inch wide while the next would measure 1¼ inch.

I unpicked for almost 3 days and sadly, I had no one else to blame.  This was all my fault.