Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A somewhat blue Monday

Ah, life loves playing tricks on me but hell yeah, I go with the flow.  After having finished 2 customer quilts in a weekend, I spent most of my Sunday changing seasonal clothes.  Winters’ got stuck in a guestroom and summers’ moved to the main bedroom cupboard.  

Then I woke up on Monday and during the night, hell froze over and it was extremely cold, back to the guest bedroom I went, digging for clothes. Still shivering I got into my car (with those annoying little alarms should you reverse into something behind you) pressed the remote for the garage door to open, annoying alarms went quiet, garage door motor stopped and off I went, ready for one day at work, before having a public holiday amidst an almost month-end and slash-bang life went on strike.  I heard this awful noise and realised the top of my car ran into the garage door that didn’t go up all the way. 

Now, these are really old and I don’t blame them for not always wanting to go all the way.  So there I was, phoned hubby to tell him to choose “I smashed the car or destroyed the garage door”…. For a moment there I honestly believed he’d tell me not to bother to come into the office…. Wishful thinking, he came, he sorted and told me to get to the office while he finished off.

So he took the day off from work to fit new doors.  About time, I reckon, but he just had to wait for me to be the culprit???  We bought this house in 1994 and by then I do believe the previous owner/builders stayed here for 11 years, so what the heck, we were due for new doors.

So now, even though poorer and not very glamorous, we have spanking new garage doors.

Well it’s a new day, a public holiday, son-in-law’s birthday that we will combine with celebrating ‘braai’ (barbeque) day later. I’ve received my new customer quilt, took a photo to allow my creative juices to start working, and squared the backing.  I just need to get dressed to await another quilter picking up her quilt today.

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