Friday, July 08, 2022

Tulip quilt

I survived the first year of the pandemic with somewhat of a runny nose, In the second year not a single flu-like symptom just to get to this year, precisely one week after we were given permission not to wear masks, I got bronchitis and I got it good.  I could hardly breathe and moving from one room to another was terrible but I am keeping the faith that it can only get better.  I will have my last antibiotics this coming Sunday.

Hubby is back in the garden trying to figure out where the irrigation and electricity lines are.

Whoever fitted these were either terribly drunk or didn't know what he was doing.  Hubby will follow one pipe, just to find it abruptly stops and go back on itself or in the way it came from.

Inside the house, we’ve taken somewhat of a break as I am delighted with what has been achieved up to now.

Today I almost felt better and baked fresh onion, garlic, bacon and cheese bread.  There are but a few things that can beat freshly baked bread early morning.

I received this tulip quilt I do believe last week (before I got ill anyway) and only had the energy to quilt small stretches at a time but it is done and looks good.

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