Friday, July 06, 2018

Simplify – 2

It always amazes me of how I can, one moment, feel as if I have nothing to do or planned and the next all hell breaks loose and everything happens at the same time.  I started this as a new project but not for someone specific so I could work on it leisurely.  I was awaiting 2 quilts to put onto the frame, so while waiting for these, I could work on my project and then…….. Facebook happened. 

Angela Walters is hosting a free-motion quilt along, so does Lauren Jackson and then I saw an iquilt free-motion class that I really wanted to do and for all of these I will need a project to work on.  Where to start and what to do first?

When approaching my desk at the office finding it a neat mess – I only work mornings and in the afternoon everyone dumps whatever they needed done on my table – and that is my welcome note when I walk in; I have taught myself not to get into a flat spin about these.  Just start at the top of the pile and work your way down until you can see the table again.  So I think this is the approach I should take with all these planned projects.

And then to top it all granddaughter ended up in hospital again.  I honestly don't know where my sympathies should go.  The kid in hospital, the mother who is due to suffer from burn out soon, the baby not having the foggiest idea why mom and sister suddenly abandoned him or my son, who would also like to be in 3 places at the same time.  New doctor, so maybe we get lucky this time.  Everything does happen for a reason.

With my Simplify project making good progress I decided to save the links to the other videos – hopefully where I can find them again, luckily this need not be done with the iquilt class as your classes remain available for you to work on whenever you can and continue with my Simplify project and in between work on a quilt on the frame.

While thinking about either of the above projects I started searching through my stash to find fabric to make the tops needed for the iquilt class.

I think top 1 is sorted and meanwhile my Simplify is growing steadily.

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