Sunday, December 13, 2020

Camouflage quilt

We were invited to supper at a friends house last night and it was lovely to take a break from literally quilting day and night.  I've just finished 6 quilts in 6 days and I can feel it.  My thoughts just needed a break.

This quilter wanted to make a camouflage quilt but couldn’t find all camouflage fabric, so she improvised and I think she did great.

She then showed me a picture of the swirl hook; she would like to have on the quilt and big mouth me, immediately said “I can do that”.  It was the truth but I haven’t done it in a very long time and the picture she showed me was obviously either digitised or a pantograph for all was in dead straight lines and my memory recalled mine did not go in any line.

Believe it or not but this straight lines confused me terribly to such a point where, when trying to sketch it out, I even wondered whether I have really done this before. I practised on paper, in the air, in the dust on the garden furniture and the whiteboard but just couldn’t get my head around not going in a straight line.

I do sympathise with my parents for never having had Google or YouTube as just as I was about to give up, I remembered:  “Angela Walters and her video Swirl hooks”.  Poured me a tall glass of ice-cold wine, pulled my whiteboard closer and started the video and when Angela said, it basically consists of 3 steps, all the memory returned.  Swirl, hook, return and echo until you get to the point where you want to be next.  Breath in, breath out, the quilt was loaded and me, ready to start.

This motif took slightly longer to stitch out than the previous one (Pringle pointer) to stitch out but turned out great.

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