Friday, October 02, 2020

Claire’s online courses

Now what made me think that I will be ONLY watching tennis for 2 weeks straight?  I had to visit the dentist on Monday, turns out a new crown is needed but for that, I bought 2 weeks’ time until Roland Garros is over.  Teeth can wait for tennis.

Then just as I got home I saw Claire from Quiltastix launch her online courses.  No way I can skip these, so being home earlier on Tuesday I tried to sign up for the free course.  What a mission.  Already having a WordPress account, when I tried to follow the course it registered me as a customer and not as a subscriber and I couldn’t see a thing.  Luckily after many WhatsApp messages between Claire and myself, she got me sorted but then it was already so late in the afternoon, I couldn’t finish the free course.

Needless to say, one thing leads to another and done with the free course I enrolled for the Designs with lines course too.  This is a beginner’s course and even though I’m not that much of a beginner anymore, there would be no harm in seeing someone else’s take on something you regularly do.  One can only become more skilled.

I then had to sew me up a sampler to not only practise what I’ve seen but to also keep it as a reminder for those days that you simply seem to run out of ideas.

As if Claire’s course was not tempting enough I saw another free video by Jo’s Country Junction on beginning to use EQ8.  I’ve had this software for ages but never allow myself the time (or have the patience) to sit and work out how things should be done.  Planning to take a look at this video the moment I get a space.

My daughter also requested a baby quilt for her pregnant sister-in-law and not having done applique in ages, I screwed it up majorly.  Luckily nothing has been sewn down yet but still, can one really forget how to do basic applique?

So watching Jo’s video did not help much as I often tend to want to design custom quilts and not be able to determine the quilt size beforehand.  Back to graph paper, I went and soon had a plan that would almost accommodate all the motifs in Claire’s course including blocks, sashing and borders.

All in all, Thursday was a wonderful day.  Did well at the office in the morning, watched amazing tennis, while making supper, listening to thunder in the distance, sadly it only stayed distant, read about the slow but steady downfall of the ANC as one corrupt member after the other is being exposed and finished my motif sampler for this course.

Claire in her examples used 2 samplers, one only for sashing and borders and the other for blocks but I thought to combine it all.  Now I didn’t have quite enough sashing and borders for all the motifs, she showed but I will simply omit those that I’m truly comfortable with and try those I haven’t used too much in the past.  I think I have a nice weekend project.

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