Friday, May 10, 2019

A Handy Dandy Scrap quilt – Clue 3

My setup became rather messy when doing this clue as I had to steal every little time I had before and after work and getting the daily household chores done in between.  With Socks, the sick and vomiting cat, unable to jump on my table anymore, I now can safely leave my bits on top of the table and not fear I’d come home to vomit all over my fabric.

For anyone stressed about us, seemingly not worrying about Socks, this is not true at all.  He has been to a vet and she couldn’t find anything wrong, even did blood works and all we suspect now is that it is mere old age as he arrived by us as an adult cat and we’ve had him for 7 years now.  He still eats very well, small amounts at a time and preferably human grade meat with chicken and pork being his favourite.
Working on this clue, I had one of my 80 pieces missing.  So the best thing to do was to then cut one set extra, join, iron and go through the whole bloody process of reading both the previous clues and cutting instructions once more.  Done and then I noticed this…..
As they say wealth (as with beauty) is in the eye of the beholder and in my case, I think any quilter not having to share their sewing room with any pets, is a rich quilter.
With clue 4 done I will quickly have to make space on my table to sew zippers to a customer quilt in order to get it loaded onto the frame.
This is my clue 3 done and it can be found HERE.

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